Stadt's Vision, Value and Goal
We are creating sustainable digital technology for inclusive smart cities together.
We value conversations and opinions among employees and smooth communication with clients.
We overcome the fear of failure and create new technologies with new ideas and broad perspectives to realize a virtuous cycle of sharing.
Our goal is to "develop digital technology for an inclusive smart city centered on sustainable technology."
CI Use Cases
Color System
R : 0G : 9B : 139
STADT's main color is STADT's technical expertise.
It shows the reliability and persistence gained through experience.
Identity Concept
The city's atmospheric environment is rapidly changing due to the increase in large buildings and green areas due to urban growth, and the increase in artificial heat and air pollutants due to the use of asphalt and cement.
The term "urban microclimate" refers to a special climate environment that occurred when the above changes affected the climate. STADT analyzes and manages these urban microclimate.
Industrial development and economic growth have enriched human life, but environmental pollution and damage to the natural ecosystem have also become serious.
In order to protect our living ground, STADT will take the lead in creating a green smart city.
Our daily lives, such as the climate crisis and corona, are becoming increasingly dangerous. It is time for everyone to pursue the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the painful planet.
STADT will also actively participate in SDG practice.