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Wind Road Analysis

Wind Road Analysis Using Wind Flow Simulation Technology (Wind Road Analysis)

Example of Wind Road Analysis

Wind Road Analysis

Based on STADT's proprietary technology, it utilizes intangible wind road simulation technology.
Provide analysis reports and necessary data to support system development.

What is Wind Road?

New Solutions to Urban Environmental Problems

New Solutions to Urban Environmental Problems

In modern cities, environmental problems such as air pollution and urban heat island phenomena are occurring, and the wind road is emerging as a way to solve them.

A passage is created to allow cold air generated according to spatial and topographical conditions to flow into the city and use it to improve air pollution and climate environmental problems.

Wind Road Effect

Wind Road Effect

Wind roads are mainly divided into generating areas, floating areas, and beneficiary areas, and cold air generated from outside the city flows and flows into urban areas appropriately, causing atmospheric circulation effects in the city.

Since cold air is mostly produced through natural purification in vegetation areas, it is relatively clean and fresh, and has air hygiene value.

Wind Road Analysis Method

Through previous studies, STADT determines that KLAM_21, the most suitable model for analyzing wind road in metropolitan areas according to spatial terrain conditions, and uses it to analyze cold air generation and flow.

KLAM_21 (urban microclimate model) is a modeling of cold wind generation, flow, and accumulation developed by the German Meteorological Administration, which analyzes cold air generation, accumulation, and flow during night time through various input data such as land use, topography, and roughness.